
Thread lift

افضل عيادة تجميل في دبي الخليج التجاري عيادة الدكتورة رونا

It is a procedure in which the doctor creates an incision at the hairline to allow a thread to pass beneath the skin from the scalp area to the side of the mouth under local anesthetic. During this procedure, the doctor uses several threads that he puts in different directions to get rid of excess skin. And he pulls these threads upward and connects them together at the scalp, tightening the areas of the middle of the face, double chin, and neck. These threads are then fixed in place and connected together. The threads dissolve slowly over a few months after the treatment, and in that time, the newly tightened tissues are held in place without the need for threads anymore.

Another benefit of this process is that by inserting threads beneath the skin, the body is stimulated to produce more collagen in the places that contribute to the healing process' completion. Collagen helps maintain the health and freshness of the skin, but as we age, the amount of collagen in our bodies decreases, resulting in a shrinking of the skin's size and fragility, both of which contribute to the formation of wrinkles. As a result, the thread lift procedure not only tightens the face but also encourages the production of natural collagen, giving the face a younger look.
ِِAccording to modern theories, the thin threads mesh used to lift the skin resists the effect of gravity, tightens the face, and delays sagging or aging of the skin.


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