
Boto.x Injections

حقن الفيلر : حقن الفيلر حقن الفيلر عبارة عن علاجٍ تجميليّ يستخدم للتخفيف من حدة التجاعيد والندب الموجودة في البشرة، كما يُستخدم لزيادة حجم الشفتين ومنحهما الامتلاء الكامل عن طريق حقنه تحت الجلد بهدف رفع ونفخ منطقة مُعيّنة لفترةٍ معيّنة من الوقت، وتتوفر أنواع مختلفة من حقن الفيلر، ومنها: حقن حمض الهيالورونيك، وحقن الكولاجين، وحقن الخلايا الدهنية. طريقة حقن الفيلر قبل البدء بحقن الفيلر يتم تخدير المنطقة المراد حقنها بمخدّرٍ موضعي، ثم يقوم طبيب الأمراض الجلدية أو جرّاح التجميل بحقن الفيلر تحت البشرة، وتستغرق مدة الجلسة الواحدة تقريباً ربع ساعة، ويتم إجراء الجلسات الأخرى بعد بضعة أسابيع.

Boto.x Injections
Botox injections are used to minimize the signs of skin aging by preventing muscular contraction (facial expressions), which causes wrinkles to form with age.

This treatment is performed for cosmetic reasons, mostly for ladies who want a more youthful appearance.

ِِِAs the skin ages, wrinkles appear above the cheeks, in the front forehead area, in the neck, lower jaw line, and on the sides of the eyes The reason for this is because the skin's collagen tissues and suppleness have been damaged over the years. Furthermore, continuous exposure to sunlight causes cumulative damage to the skin's tissues.

حقن البو.When Botox is injected into the tissues of the subcutaneous layer, the effect of electrical signals transmitted by the nerve to the muscle fibers is stopped, and the muscle does not contract. On the other hand, Botox injections can repair sun-induced skin damage and wrinkles, as Botox can correct damage produced by tissue weakness and muscular contraction in the face. The majority of injections are used to treat horizontal wrinkles in the forehead, sides of the eyes, and along the sides of the mouth.

The majority of injections are used to treat horizontal wrinkles in the forehead, sides of the eyes, and along the sides of the mouth.

Preparation for the Process:

قبل القيام بحقن البو.Before injecting Botox, A preliminary appointment is required, during which the doctor and the patient agree on the area to be treated, based on the type of skin, its thickness, texture, the number of wrinkles, and the patient's preferences. In most cases, additional pre-tests are not required.

The injection is performed under local anesthetic for the skin using an ointment, or without anesthetic in some cases. Injections may be needed in several areas, when the case requires several areas of the face to be injected..

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