
حقن البلازما PRP

حقن البلازما للشعر
Plasma injection techniquePRP is a modern method that achieves incredible results, whether in terms of health or beauty. It is possible to maintain skin freshness and brightness, prevent wrinkles, and even promote hair regrowth, but this time without the use of foreign substance injected into the body. Instead, stem cells are activated using the person's own blood, eliminating any side effects or allergies.

What is the Plasma injection technique?

Plasma injection techniquePRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)Plasma injection technique, also known as PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), is a serum taken from a person's own blood and is rich in elements that assist cells growth and activate stem cells in the targeted area..

Are there any changes occur to the withdrawn blood before it is reinjected?
After the blood it is withdrawn, it is filtered and a particular substance is added to it.. This is done using a special machine, while the remaining of the serum is completely filtered till the result is optimal before adding the cell activator..

For what cosmetic purposes in the skin is this technique used?
This technique is used in two basic areas: the first is concerned with skin freshness, brightness, and wrinkles, and the second one is concerned with hair loss and regrowth.
Plasma is injected in a specific area to assist activating stem cells, whether in the face or in the hair bulb, depending on the purpose of its use. It does not contain stem cells, as some may think, but rather activating factors that aid in their growth and renewal.

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