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Facelift and Necklift Surgery

شد الوجه والرقبة جراحياً - عيادة الدكتورة رونا رباح للتجميل - افضل عيادة تجميل في دبي الخليج التجاري عيادة الدكتورة رونا

Facelift and Necklift Surgery

The skin loses its suppleness as we age, resulting in sagging and shrinking. The aging process normally begins in your thirties, although it can start as early as your twenties in some people because of genetic factor. Aging is influenced by how you live your life and even where you live. The food you eat, the amount of time you spend in front of a television or computer, and the amount of sunlight you are subjected to can all speed up the aging process.

Facial Beautification: 

When performing facial cosmetic operations, the doctor first makes an incision hidden behind the hair to separate the skin from the muscles and tissues. After the facial muscles are tightened to improve the contour of the face, the skin is prepared to suit the face precisely and smoothly to eliminate wrinkles. Finally, the excess skin from the face at the incision site is trimmed off and the wound is closed.


Many people who have a Facelift might also benefit from a Necklift, which tightens the neck muscles. We do the following processes as needed during the Necklift surgery:
  • - Create a firmer muscular basis by tightening the neck muscles.
  • Get rid of any excess fat deposits.
  • Remove excess skin, smooth tight skin to give the neck a more youthful appearance.

Depending on your needs and goals, a Necklift may include one or both of the following procedures:

  • Skin tightening - it is a technique that involves tightening the skin along the throat, removing excess skin to form a tightened area, and firming the facial contours.
  • Platysmaplasty - This procedure tightens the underlying muscle. For patients with very lax tissues, this technique produces more dramatic results.  

Postoperative Care:

The face and head will be bandaged after surgery, and the patient will be sent home to recover. It's necessary to prepare ahead since you'll need to take about two weeks off from work to relax and recover at home. Patients may experience swelling, bruising, and pain during this period. Any pain may be controlled with medications, and these symptoms will fade within the first few weeks of the recovery period. Patients who had plastic surgery should avoid exercising for at least two weeks after the surgery.


The surgery's results are not immediately visible, but they will appear as the swelling and bruises fade. After several weeks, you'll notice much difference. We offer comprehensive postoperative care, including regular check-ups to ensure a healthy recovery. Although patients will age naturally following plastic surgery,

it can be going back several years to impact a person's look, tightening the skin on the face and making him feel younger and attractive.


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